Summary Draft 2: “Drones Take Their Place on the Cutting Edge of Wildfire Fighting” (with Thesis Statement)


The article "Drones Take Their Place on the Cutting Edge of Wildfire Fighting" (Patterson, 2021) discussed a drone program created to combat wildfires. According to Patterson, an experimental drone, the KHawk, with a quadcopter design, is equipped with an autopilot system, a thermal camera, and other specialized avionics. It's designed to fly autonomously with ground control while transmitting weather and fire data, including forecasts of where the flames will spread next. The researchers found difficulty getting the program to work because of the fierce winds and turbulence caused by the extreme temperatures. Designing small, portable wings that would keep the plane stable amid wildfires and severe winds is still a challenge. It's critical to fly small drones safely in these scenarios. Patterson also mentions how commercial drone platforms equipped with the payload system IGNIS carry a basket filled with ignition spheres, which carry those that are used to set up controlled burns. The drone has built-in cameras, high-temperature sensors, autonomous capabilities, and a remote emergency release mechanism. With these advanced features and systems, drones stand out among the other methods currently used to fight wildfires in terms of cost, efficiency, and safety. 

(192 words)


Patterson, T. (2021, October 7). Drones Take Their Place on the Cutting Edge of Wildfire Fighting. Flying Magazine: Sophisticated drones now find wildfire hot spots, ignite controlled fires, and plant seeds for reforestation. In the future, they’ll do even more.
